Thursday, July 22, 2010

~~* Aloha Friday *~~

Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday!!
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that they take it easy
and look forward to the weekend.
So I thought that I would take it easy on posting, too.
Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer.
Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
If you’d like to participate, post your own question on your blog
and leave your link

Remember to visit the other participants!
~ It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends ~
What experience did you miss out on
and wish you'd been a part of?
My "experience" would be that I am missing out on
growing old along with my Mom.
I miss her and want SO much
to share my experiences of being a Mom with her.
I want to show her how much I enjoy
cooking and baking and share my dishes with her.
I carry on each day in the hopes that she is
indeed watching over me, proud of the woman
and Mom that I have become.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

MY 1/2 marathon - Part II

Just a short follow-up to my "Part I"...
I'm still in awe of what I have accomplished!
In awe of my mind, body and spirit..
Words simply cannot express all that
flows through you as you cross the FINISH LINE!
All of the early morning training runs, all of the stretching,
motrin/acetamenophen (HA!)
the mental struggle and the anticipation was SO worth it!
To see the smiles on the faces of my family,
the "we're proud of you's" -
ALL so worth it!!
My beautiful medal... I'm very proud of it ♥
At the pre-race expo I was SO excited to meet up with an amazing young woman...
Frayed Laces (AKA Laura) is one bad a$$ chicka!!
Brooks is one of her major sponsors and she was at the expo
promoting Brooks' products.
Not much down time for this little lady
as she is training to compete in the
Ironman (that's 70.3 miles) series
triathlon in Kona Hawaii!!! I'm telling you,
she is simply a.mazing!!
Check out her blog and you will see what I mean...
So sweet of her to take the time out and
visit with dear daughter and I!!
She was very supportive and she even saw me at mile 1,
yelled out MY name and sent me loads of encouragment.
I was super honored as I had only chatted with her
as a bloggy friend and met her this one time,
yet she remembered me
and picked me out of the crowd...
Here is the sign that dear daughter made for her Momma!!!
D.D.Y.A. is "Don't Doubt Your Awesomeness"...
Dear daughter & I got this phrase from "Frayed Laces"...
She is SO inspiring with her sayings!
My entire family was at mile 6 waving signs and
ringing cow bells as I ran by!
It was so emotional for me,
but I was VERY happy to have them there.
Love U guys ♥
Well, that is my wrap-up of my first 1/2 marathon!
I continue my training for my next 1/2 in Ocotber
and will report updates as I can!
Remember to RUN HAPPY!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

~~* Aloha Friday *~~

Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday!!

In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that they take it easy
and look forward to the weekend.
So I thought that I would take it easy on posting, too.
Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer.

Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
If you’d like to participate, post your own question on your blog
and leave your link here.

Remember to visit the other participants!
~ It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends ~

What's the best part about a wedding?:
Whether you're an attendee or participant,
there's lots to love about a wedding.
Explain your favorite part...

My favorite part is the entrance of the bride!!
I love to see the faces of the bride and groom
as they see each other.
The emotion that is expressed at just that moment
is simply priceless..

Sunday, July 4, 2010

MY 1/2 marathon... Part 1

I did it...
I set a goal, followed the plan and completed it!!!
Goal; to run a half marathon before my 50th birthday ~ CHECK!
The plan; Runner's World SmartCoach ~ CHECK!!!
Complete it; I finished in 2:23:48 CHECK!!!!

I had set a personal goal of finishing in 2 1/2 hours and made it.

Here I am out on the course;

Words really cannot
described how beautiful Seattle is!!
The course had us running along Lake Washington,
we ran by both Qwest & Safeco fields.
The crowds lined the course the majority of the way!!
There were bands playing every mile ~
Steve, Erin & Tommy were at mile 6 with
handmade signs by Erin and cowbells cheering us on!!

Steve met me at the final corner with a bouquet of flowers,
kissed me and said "See you at the finish"!!!

I carried those flowers proudly
across the finish line
as I bawled like a baby...

Seriously, it was such an emotional experience for me!!

TaDa!!! I made it!!
Here I am with my future daughter-in-law
who ran her 1st full marathon in RECORD TIME
and my son-in-law
who completed his 2nd full marathon and NAILED it!!!
The 'OHANA'...
♥ ♥ ♥ these guys!!! and STILL smiling...

Next up, begin training for my next 1/2 marathon in October...
I think I want to get a few more 1/2's
under my belt before thinking about a full... Yes, I said it!

Happy 4th of July

emo graphics emo hair styles